
JCache using TomEE 7

Primary LanguageJava


  • Unit tests provide examples
  • JAX-RS using CDI bean and JCache annotations
  • JAX-RS bean validation
  • Stand alone EJB container using CDI bean and JCache annotations
  • Use tomee:run and RemoteUserServiceJCacheTest for remote client example
  • Uses Hazelcast, Ehcache, BlazingCache or Apache JCS provider
  • GeneratedCacheKey using String
  • CacheResolverFactory in order to expose CacheManager used by JCache annotations
  • Uses javax.cache.* only! No provider specific imports used

This is a simple application to test various JCache implementations. Some implementations require properties in addition to the configuration file. In order to test a particular implementation:

  • Edit pom.xml and uncomment dependencies needed for JCache provider (Make sure to comment out the current dependencies)
  • Edit config/app.properties and specify configuration file with app.jcache.config.file
  • Change System properties in system.properties and JCache properties in jcache.properties as needed
  • Do a Maven clean install