
This compares JPA+Hibernate to DBUtils

Primary LanguageJava

JPA vs DbUtils

Using TomEE 7.0.4-SNAPSHOT

This compares using JPA to DBUtils for adding, selecting and deleting rows of random data. This gives you an option when you run into Object-relational impedance mismatch or situations where JPQL may not be robust enough to handle a legacy RDBMS. This is not an exhaustive performance analysis, but more of a starting point for discussion.

Here's the results using 10,000 entities with an HSQL in memory database (this is the second run so JIT could be factored in):

Jun 21, 2017 11:44:22 AM com.codeferm.jpavsdbutils.PerformanceTest performance
INFO: JPA add elapsed milliseconds: 1111
Jun 21, 2017 11:44:22 AM com.codeferm.jpavsdbutils.PerformanceTest performance
INFO: JPA get elapsed milliseconds: 55
Jun 21, 2017 11:44:23 AM com.codeferm.jpavsdbutils.PerformanceTest performance
INFO: JPA delete elapsed milliseconds: 641

Jun 21, 2017 11:44:23 AM com.codeferm.jpavsdbutils.PerformanceTest performance
INFO: DbUtils add elapsed milliseconds: 375
Jun 21, 2017 11:44:23 AM com.codeferm.jpavsdbutils.PerformanceTest performance
INFO: DbUtils get elapsed milliseconds: 40
Jun 21, 2017 11:44:23 AM com.codeferm.jpavsdbutils.PerformanceTest performance
INFO: DbUtils delete elapsed milliseconds: 306
  • DBUtils is 296% faster than JPA for inserts
  • DBUtils is 37% faster than JPA for selecting list
  • DBUtils is 209% faster than JPA for deletes

This thread discusses this project and this blog discusses issues with JPA. This isn't designed to trash JPA, but rather give you some options.