
A mailing app written in go.

Primary LanguageGo


Go-Mailer is a simple go microservice that can be used to send emails to multiple users using Gmail account (potentially any email address as it creates a smtp server).

Project setup

This project requires three environment variables namely:

  • MAILID : The email id that you want to send from
  • PASSWORD : The password of the above email address
  • FROM : Name of the sender (This makes the email prettier)

once this is done you can simply run go run main.go


This microservice has only two endpoints (actually only one, but the other one s just to test if the app is working).

GET - /

An endpoint to test if the app is running and potentially wake it up if its running on a serverless.

POST /mail

An endpoint to actually send mail.

Parameters (Remember all the data passed should be in formdata and is required):

  • content (File) : The actual content of the email (either an html or a txt file)
  • to ([]string) : The list of addresses to which the email is to be sent to (A list of strings).
  • subject(string) : The subject of the email (string).

Feel free to contribute. Enjoy!