Source code for

This repository contains the source code for my personal website, which is a blog describing my learning path in all things related to computer science.

Please feel free to reuse all the code that you might need!

How was it done?

It is all generated with the help of Pelican, a static website generator that uses Python. The content of the website is written in Markdown format and is rendered automatically as HTML and CSS with some bits of JavaScript here and there.

Here are the main reasons why this approach felt right:

  • It is very easy to maintain. Once the design is done, you simply write in Markdown and you are good to go. It is also easy to modify a theme or have a collection of themes stored in a directory with a bunch of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files.
  • It is super quick to deploy anywhere without having any kind of specific server requirements such as PHP, Python, SSL, MySQL, Apache, etc. Everything is static and can be uploaded almost everywhere!
  • It's also quite secure in the end as there is no need to perform updates, no need to authenticate users or deal with a database.

How to use

With Poetry

poetry add toml
# poetry run python poetry  # if previously set to use pip
poetry install

Without Poetry

# Activate a virtual environment, e.g.:
# python -m venv .venv && source ./.venv/bin/activate

pip install toml
# python pip  # if previously set to use poetry

pip install -r requirements.txt

Build, use, publish

# Build the website
invoke build

# Watch for changes
invoke livereload

# Publish changes to GitHub
invoke publish

# Or publish the changes by committing once the post-commit hook is set up
# .git/hooks/post-commit:
pelican content -o output -s && ghp-import output && git push origin gh-pages