
Yet another GitHub profile readme

Primary LanguageJavaScript

<?= "console.log('Hello, World!')"; // o_0

I’m Sergey and I make websites. I am currently working with Laravel and Nuxtv3. I like to work with content projects: blogs, media. I like order in files, have a sense of taste and ideals of beauty in the project.

On My Blog (in Russian)

Knowledge and skills as tags

hmm what

CSS, HTML, SCSS, PostCSS, Stylus, styled-components, Less, БЭМ, Pug (Jade), Nunjucks, JavaScript, jQuery, a11y, Eleventy, MarkDown, Gulp, Grunt, Cypress, Git, GitHub, GitHub Actions, GitLab, Bitbucket, Sketch, Zeplin, Avacode, Photoshop, Figma, SVG, React, Vue, Nuxt3, Deployer.php, PHP, WordPress, Laravel, Laravel Nova, Blade, Flarum, Shop-Script, Bootstrap, ispmanager, Reg.ru, TimeWeb, Docker, MAMP.
