
Example project to investigate an issue with Cocoapods static frameworks & test bundles

Primary LanguageSwift


Example project to investigate an issue with Cocoapods static frameworks & test bundles


The project contains a consuming sample application, PodStaticFrameworkExample, with 2 dependencies. A dynamic framework, DynamicExample and a static framework StaticExample, which both just provide a simple adding function for demonstration purposes.

The project uses Cocoapods test specificications that came in the v1.3.0 release.


├── DynamicExample
│   ├── DynamicExample
│   │   └── Classes
│   │       └── DynamicAdder.swift
│   ├── DynamicExample.podspec
│   ├── Example
│   │   ├── DynamicExample
│   │   │   └── ... demo app code ...
│   │   ├── Podfile
│   │   ├── Podfile.lock
│   │   └── Tests
│   │       └── DynamicAdderSpec.swift
├── PodStaticFrameworkExample
│   ├── PodStaticFrameworkExample
│   │   └── ... demo app code ...
│   └── PodStaticFrameworkExampleTests
│       └── ExampleSpec.swift
├── Podfile
├── Podfile.lock
└── StaticExample
    ├── Example
    │   ├── Podfile
    │   ├── Podfile.lock
    │   ├── StaticExample
    │   │   └── ... demo app code ...
    │   └── Tests
    │       └── StaticAdderSpec.swift
    ├── StaticExample
    │   └── Classes
    │       └── StaticAdder.swift
    └── StaticExample.podspec

The problem

The test specs are integrated into the main app using the new mechanism:

  pod 'DynamicExample', :path => './DynamicExample', :testspecs => ['Tests']
  pod 'StaticExample', :path => './StaticExample', :testspecs => ['Tests']

The dynamic framework tests work fine, but the static framework tests do not. When trying to run, I get this error in the Xcode build output:

Test target StaticExample-Unit-Tests encountered an error (Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted)

It seems this is because cocoapods is setting up the unit test bundle to be a static library, Xcode doesn't know how to inject and run it like it usually would a .xctest bundle. eg. the dynamic framework unit test bundle defaults to a normal bundle type:

Correct Target Configuration

but the equivalent for the static framework is defaulting to being a static library, even though the target is a unit test bundle (inheriting the static flag?)

Incorrect Target Configuration

Work around 1

To get around the unit test bundle, given this is rare, we can use a post install hook to specifically set it back to being a bundle:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    if target.name == 'StaticExample-Unit-Tests'
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['MACH_O_TYPE'] = 'mh_bundle'

Work around 2

Even with (1), it seems the dependencies for the target are wrong, so a clean build may not work (like we do in CI). For example, the dependencies for the dynamic framework's unit test bundle looks like this:

Correct Target Dependencies

... but for the equivalent target for the static library, it's empty.

Missing Target Dependencies

Manually adding the target dependencies works, but it's overwritten each time pod install is run, so it's not sustainable.