
Micro service implementation using spring boot + camel + docker

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Spring and camel are two super glue. Spring can easily combine different technologies together in a minutes in code level. Camel can describe the whole data/business flow using it's supported DSLs lanaguages, components and EIPs. Docker is a light weight container solution, which can easily encapsulate implemented functions into a image file, it makes maintaining and scaling your backend service easily. So here I intend to combine such technogies together to make a scalable micro service implementation.



Key Technologies

  • #Spring boot
  • #Camel
  • #Spring session
  • #Spring data
  • #Redis
  • #Spring security
  • #Docker
  • #Consul
  • #Registrator
  • #Zipkin
  • #ELK

Quick start Guide

  1. Install docker on your system
  2. Start up Consul registrator zipkin in docker with docker run command
docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

docker run -d --name consul -p ${your_host}:8300:8300   -p ${your_host}:8301:8301   -p ${your_host}:8301:8301/udp -p ${your_host}:8302:8302 -p ${your_host}:8302:8302/udp       -p ${your_host}:8400:8400  -p ${your_host}:8500:8500 -p ${your_host}:53:53/udp  consul

docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock --name registrator -h registrator  gliderlabs/registrator:latest -ip=${your_host} consul://${your_host}:8500
  1. Install and start redis on your local computer
  2. Change settings in application.properties for redis,db and zipkin settings.
  3. build network-operator and customer-service using maven command mvn clean package docker:build
  4. Run the network-operator and customer-service in docker
  5. Start SoapUI to perform testing call https://localhost:8443/camel/api/customer-service/initLogin with post method