
Demotes Admin User

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The script/helper is great. However there needs to be a way to EXCLUDE a local admin account. We're finding that our admin accounts are being demoted to standard users silently. This is a problem. Can an exclusion be made for said user?

Hi @kristophersteel Thanks for the feedback! I can take a look at adding that functionality when time allows.

We do not have a separate admin account in the environment that this tool was written for, so what you described has not been an issue. I think the general consensus in the macadmin community is to get rid of that extra admin account. I understand that is not always possible, but it is worth considering.

That said, if your admin account is demoted by this tool you can always elevate that account back to admin with the Privileges application or PrivilegesCLI.

How are you deploying Privileges? If done a certain way it should not require admin rights to elevate. I use the AutoPkg recipe to ensure the package is formed correctly. See here for details:

Glad to hear! I'll go ahead and close this issue.