Allow users to self manage admin privileges, while reminding them to operate as standard whenever possible.
- 0
Line 22 on Uninstall Script
#20 opened by chrisgzim - 2
- 2
update to Privileges 1.5.4
#17 opened by scriptsandthings - 1
Unable to upload the json
#16 opened by mani2care - 1
- 3
- 3
Use it on Intune
#12 opened by kkatsariotis - 1
Have you looked at using swiftDialog
#13 opened by sharristonP - 2
Package a release without IBM Notifier
#6 opened by pandemicus - 2
Update "PrivilegesDemoter_PrivilegesApp-2.0.pkg" to include version 1.5.3
#5 opened by scriptsandthings - 1
Multiple Admin Accounts
#4 opened by jamesp132 - 2
- 5
Demotes Admin User
#1 opened by kristophersteel