Clio automates searaching git history to determine what bug fixes went in to a given release.
It currently understand the following formats in commit notes:
bugzilla ####
bug ####
fix ####
bxc ####
with an optional # before the number for the last four.
and will cross reference bugzilla to verify the existance of referenced bugs when possible.
make prepare
make release
The contents of dist are relocatable where ever you desire.
What bugs were fixed after a given hash:
--oldest:bcfddc9 clio-test-data/
What mono bugs were fixed in a release branch (clio currently does not understand tags):
--list-bugs --oldest:`git rev-list -1 mono-` --newest:origin/2017-04 mono/
What bugs were fixed after d15-3 branched to current d15-4, excluding cherry picks to d15-3, including submodule bumped:
--list-bugs --submodules --oldest-branch:d15-3 --newest=d15-4 xamarin-macios
The two current actions (beyond help) are:
- list-commits: List the commits that are under consideration based upon the path given, --oldest, and --newest
- list-bugs: Print a markdown formatted table of the bugs found in the commit range in question. A secondary set of "potential" bugs may come after, which will require manual verification.
Bugzilla Validation
By default, clio will contact and verify potential bugs against the public bug list. This takes significant amount of time, but reduces false positives and provides better title information in many cases.
Two additional options can change this behavor (beyond --bugzilla:public which is default)
- --bugzilla:private - Log into bugzilla with credentials stored in ~/.bugzilla or the
environmental variables, which allows private bugs to be listed and verified - --bugzilla:disable - Disable all bugzilla validation. Will drastically improve speed but may reduce bug sorting quality.
By default bugzilla valiation is set to public, which means private bugs will be called out as "Potential bugs". Additionally, they will not have bugzilla titles added as additional descriptions to choose from in bug listings. This may be desired behavior, if private bugs are not considered release notes appropriate. This behavior can be changed with the aforementioned --bugzilla:private
Full Argument Listing
clio [options] path
--list-bugs is the default option when none of (--list-commits, --list-bugs) selected.
-h, -?, --help Displays the help
-l, --list-commits List commits that would be considered
-b, --list-bugs List bugs discovered instead of formatting release
--oldest=VALUE Starting hash to consider
--newest=VALUE Ending hash to consider
--oldest-branch=VALUE Starting branch to consider. Finds the last commit
in master before branch, and ignore all bugs
fixed in master that are also fixed in this
--exclude-oldest Exclude oldest item from range considered (
included by default)
--explain Explain why each commit is considered a bug
--bugzilla=VALUE What level should bugzilla queries be made at
(Public, Private, Disable)
--additional-bug-info Print additional information on each bug for list-
--submodules Query submodules as well
@file Read response file for more options.
"Under the hood" documentation
Why the name clio?
From wikipedia - In Greek mythology, Clio also spelled Kleio, is the muse of history...Clio, sometimes referred to as "the Proclaimer", is often represented with an open scroll of parchment scroll or a set of tablets. The name is etymologically derived from the Greek root κλέω/κλείω (meaning "to recount," "to make famous," or "to celebrate").