Hotline is a pop-up input field written in Python with PyQt/PySide modeled after the command palette from Sublime Text. The API can be used to extend and customize Hotline by using the Context, Mode, and Command objects.
Autodesk Maya
- Rename - rename selected nodes using hotline's Renamer. The following
- tokens are available.
- Pre_+ - adds a prefix
- +_Suf - adds a suffix
- -rem - removes a substring
- search replace - search for a string a replace it
- full_name_## - full name replacement with a padded index
- full_name_##(10) - full name replacement with padded index and
- custom start value.
- Select - select nodes using glob and regex patterns
- Connect - connect attributes
- Node - create DAG and DG nodes
- Python - execute python commands
- Mel - execute mel commands
- Powershell - execute Powershell commands
- CMD - execute Batch commands
- Run - run
- Python - execute python commands
from hotline import Hotline hl = Hotline()
Hotline will attempt to use the best available context. You can also specify one.
from hotline import Hotline, MayaContext hl = Hotline(MayaContext)
To allow for maximum flexibility hotline doesn't do anything sneaky like use singletons or a cache to maintain instances for you. In Maya this means you'll need to keep track of an instance of the Hotline ui. Here's one way to do that:
from hotline import Hotline import __main__ if not hasattr(__main__, 'hl'): __main__.hl = Hotline()
Create a new runtime command with the above code and bind a hotkey to it.
pip install hotline