
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Install Meteor curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh Install dependencies meteor npm install --save react-addons-css-transition-group react-addons-css-transition-group react-addons-linked-state-mixin react-addons-create-fragment react-addons-update react-addons-test-utils react-addons-perf Run meteor



  • Move admin controls into separate component (probably under the welcome but above the game)
  • Support multiple games
  • Add Timer
  • Implement server side countdown
  • Have game hide itself at the end of time (Need to have server loop yet, other work is done)
  • Reset should clear scores

script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script Then use it like so:

if(swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("9.0.115")) { alert("You have the minimum required flash version (or newer)"); } else { alert("You do not have the minimum required flash version"); } Replace "9.0.115" with whatever minimum flash version you need. I chose 9.0.115 as an example because that's the version that added h.264 support.

If the visitor does not have flash, it will report a flash version of "0.0.0", so if you just want to know if they have flash at all, use:

if(swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("1")) { alert("You have flash!"); } else { alert("You do not flash :-("); }