Table of contents

General info

Website using ztm api to find bus line between two bus stops

Used languages and packages:

  • Python 3.10.7
  • requests
  • json
  • datetime
  • flask



  • updateDatabase() - pulls the data from ztmApi. Is called on initialization of
  • getBusLines() - returns dictionary with all bus lines in form {lineId:lineObject}
  • getBusStops() - returns dictionary with all bus stops in form {stopId:stopObject}
  • getTimeAtStop() returns fastest time the specified line will be at stop; if none time is found returns -1; if tripId is set, will look only for trip with set id; if tripId isn't set won't take it into account


BEST Gdansk hackaton team "Natural stupidity"

  • microslaw
  • mszablewski
  • sgolebiewska
  • IwsonHd