
Fetch take home task. Web server that computes points for receipts.

Primary LanguageGo

Receipt Processor

My submission for the Receipt Processor challenge as part of Backend Engineer application process.

For more information about the challenge, please refer to the following link: https://github.com/fetch-rewards/receipt-processor-challenge

Brief intro

This is a HTTP web-service that serves two end points:

  1. /receipts/process - POST request end point that receives a JSON with the details of a receipt. End point uses this JSON, computes and stores the points for the receipt. It returns a JSON with an ID for the receipt.
  2. /receipts/%id%/points - GET request end point that returns the points for the receipt with the ID passed.

Things to install before running

  • Docker!
  • cURL (or any end point testing tool)
  • Go - 1.19 (if you want to run tests)

How to build?

docker build -t receipt-processor-image .

How to run?

Step 1: docker run -p 8080:8080 receipt-processor-image

Step 2: Open new terminal

Step 3: Run cURL requests (with a JSON that you want to test)

Example curl commands:

  1. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "retailer": "Walgreens", "purchaseDate": "2022-01-02", "purchaseTime": "08:13", "total": "2.65", "items": [ {"shortDescription": "Pepsi - 12-oz", "price": "1.25"}, {"shortDescription": "Dasani", "price": "1.40"} ] }' http://localhost:8080/receipts/process
  2. Store the ID returned somewhere safe.
  3. curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/receipts/ID/points (replace 'ID' with the ID stored)

How to test?

  • To run test files for the project, run

go test ./...

Tech stack

  • Docker
  • Golang


  • Has a ID->Points Map data structure
  • 2 end points are exposed by net/http Go module
  • POST '/receipts/process' processes the receipt as JSON in the request.
    • Compute points based off the data in the JSON
    • Generates a unique ID for the Receipt
    • Stores the ID -> Points mapping in the map mentioned above
  • GET '/receipts/%id%/points' returns the points for ID in the request
    • Retrieves the points associated with the ID using the map mentioned above

Project structure & details

├── Dockerfile (contains docker commands)
├── README.md (contains README)
├── api (contains API code)
│   ├── handlers
│   │   ├── receipt_handlers.go (Handlers' endpoints)
│   │   └── receipt_handlers_test.go (Test code for all handlers)
│   └── models (contains all models used in the API)
│       ├── http_models.go (models for HTTP responses)
│       ├── receipt_models.go (models used in receipt processing)
│       ├── receipt_models_test.go
│       └── samples (sample data for test files)
│           ├── complex.json
│           └── simple.json
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go (start point for the program)


  • My first time using Go; I apologize if code looks unclean
  • Some resources I found useful when learning: