This project is a website in which I present the implementations I've written in Javascript of various algorithms and data-structures. I have a couple of different visualizations in place, and some other fun experiments in related areas.
- Deterministic Linear Time Median Find (BFPRT)
- Maximum Subarray
- Element Multiplicity
- Multiplication of Hadamard Matrices by Column Vectors
- Finding a Majority Element (with only equality, no ordering comparisons)
- Knuth's Wide Tree Layout Algorithm
- Wetherell-Shannon's Minimum Width Tree Layout Algorithm
- Wetherell-Shannon Tree Layout Algorithm
- Edit Distance
- Exam Questions
- Arithmetic Expression Validation (Generalizable to CYK Algorithm)
- Job Scheduling
- Palincomplementary Subsequence
- Viterbi's Algorithm
- String Splitting
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm (INCOMPLETE)
- Ford-Fulkerson Method (Edomnd's Karp Algorithm)
- Kruskal's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree
- Prim's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree
- Huffman Coding
- Karger's Min Cut
- K-th Selection
- Insertion Sort
- Selection Sort
- Quicksort
- TA Hours problem (reduction to Max Flow)
- Hexagonal Tiling
- Conway's game of Life Simulation
- Elementary Cellular Automata Simulation
- Splay Tree
- Binary Tree
- Union Find