Search of cheap flights with Airflow

This repository is part of a project of the Data Engineering course of the Master's Degree in Data Science of the Universidad de Sonora.

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In general terms, the project consists of developing and implementing a data pipeline on the Airflow platform. More specifically, the goal of my project is to automate the search for cheap flights. For this I developed a Dag in Airflow with the following tasks:

1.- Search_flights: extracts information about available flights from a predetermined origin and to a predetermined destination. This is performed by means of a request to the free API: Travelpayouts Data API. These data are then preprocessed to obtain a tidy structure.

2.- Evaluate_flight_prices: the prices of these flights are evaluated with respect to a predetermined threshold.

3a.- Send_email: this task is executed only when the second task has found one or more flights whose price is below the threshold. It consists of sending a notification by mail with the information of cheap flights.

3b.- Do_nothing: this is a dummy task that does nothing and is executed only when the second task has found no flight whose price is below the threshold.