
nodejs sdk for aliyun SMS service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Nodejs SDK for Aliyun SMS service


npm install ali-sms


const sms = require("ali-sms");
const accessKeyID     = process.env.ALI_SMS_ACCESSKEYID;
const accessKeySecret = process.env.ALI_SMS_ACCESSKEYSECRET;

const config = {
  accessKeyID       : accessKeyID,
  accessKeySecret   : accessKeySecret,
  paramString       : {code: '123456'},
  recNum            : ['1891234567'],
  signName          : 'alibaba',
  templateCode      : 'SMS_28100008',
sms(config, (err, body) => {
  console.log(err, body);


param|type|description ----|----|---|---- accessKeyID | string | access key id, get from aliyun accessKeySecret | string | access key secret, get from aliyun paramString | object | ali sms param which you have defined on aliyun sms dashboard recNum | array | phone numbers of users signName | string | ali sms param, get from aliyun sms dashboard templateCode | string | ali sms param, get from aliyun sms dashboard


DEBUG=sms npm start