
access a remote Docker daemon over SSH. single binary, no dependencies. linux, osx, windows.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Access a remote Docker daemon over SSH.

More precisely, this tool does the following:

  1. Establish an SSH connection
  2. Forward the remote Docker socket to a local TCP port
  3. Run the given command (e.g. docker build or docker-compose up) with the DOCKER_HOST environment variable set to the forwarded socket
  4. Close the SSH connection after the command exits



Basic usage

The following command runs docker ps against the Docker daemon on host remote-host. Note that the docker CLI client being run here is the local one, whereas the daemon dockerd is running remotely on remote-host.

$ with-ssh-docker-socket -i key.pem -a user@remote-host docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                       COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS
4b56090ce1bb  google/cadvisor:v0.31.0     "/usr/bin/cadvisor…"  1 hour ago   Up 1 hour

If ssh-agent is running and unlocked, its keyring will be used:

$ ssh-add key.pem
$ with-ssh-docker-socket -a user@remote-host docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                       COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS
4b56090ce1bb  google/cadvisor:v0.31.0     "/usr/bin/cadvisor…"  1 hour ago   Up 1 hour

Running a shell

If no command is specified, the current $SHELL will be run as a child process of with-ssh-docker-socket:

$ with-ssh-docker-socket -a user@remote-host
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                       COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS
4b56090ce1bb  google/cadvisor:v0.31.0     "/usr/bin/cadvisor…"  1 hour ago   Up 1 hour
$ exit
$ docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at localhost. Is the docker daemon running?

Of course, you can also just explicitly specify a shell as the command to run:

$ with-ssh-docker-socket -a user@remote-host bash
bash-3.2$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                       COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS
4b56090ce1bb  google/cadvisor:v0.31.0     "/usr/bin/cadvisor…"  1 hour ago   Up 1 hour

External SSH client applications

Note: Using an external ssh client introduces additional dependencies - the client itself, as well its configuration (e.g. the contents of ~/.ssh/config). This makes the tool no longer self-contained, and its effect less obvious. For these reasons I'd recommend against the usage of this feature for automation puproses.

If you wish to use a pre-installed external ssh client (such as openssh or PuTTY), you may use the -ssh-app options. There are two shortcut flags specifically for openssh and PuTTY, as well as a way to call a custom client application:

  • -ssh-app-openssh:
    • ssh -nNT -L "{{.LocalIP}}:{{.LocalPort}}:{{.RemoteAddr}}" -p "{{.SSHPort}}" "{{.User}}@{{.SSHHost}}" {{.ExtraArgs}}"
  • -ssh-app-putty:
    • putty -ssh -NT "{{.User}}@{{.SSHHost}}" -P "{{.SSHPort}}" -L "{{.LocalIP}}:{{.LocalPort}}:{{.RemoteAddr}}" {{.ExtraArgs}}
  • -ssh-app=<TEMPLATE>, where :
    • TEMPLATE is a go template that may refer to the same variables as the built-in templates -ssh-app-openssh and -ssh-app-putty.
$ with-ssh-docker-socket -ssh-app-openssh -a user@remote-host docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                       COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS
4b56090ce1bb  google/cadvisor:v0.31.0     "/usr/bin/cadvisor…"  1 hour ago   Up 1 hour

The same result using a custom template:

$ with-ssh-docker-socket -ssh-app='ssh -nNT -L "{{.LocalPort}}:{{.RemoteSocketAddr}}" "{{.RemoteHost}}"' -a user@remote-host docker ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                       COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS
4b56090ce1bb  google/cadvisor:v0.31.0     "/usr/bin/cadvisor…"  1 hour ago   Up 1 hour

Get it

Using go get

go get -u github.com/sgreben/with-ssh-docker-socket

Pre-built binary

Or download a binary from the releases page, or from the shell:

# Linux
curl -L https://github.com/sgreben/with-ssh-docker-socket/releases/download/1.3.13/with-ssh-docker-socket_1.3.13_linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz

# OS X
curl -L https://github.com/sgreben/with-ssh-docker-socket/releases/download/1.3.13/with-ssh-docker-socket_1.3.13_osx_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz

# Windows
curl -LO https://github.com/sgreben/with-ssh-docker-socket/releases/download/1.3.13/with-ssh-docker-socket_1.3.13_windows_x86_64.zip
unzip with-ssh-docker-socket_1.3.13_windows_x86_64.zip

Use it

with-ssh-docker-socket [OPTIONS] [COMMAND [ARGS...]]
Usage of with-ssh-docker-socket:
  -a string
    	(alias for -ssh-server-addr)
  -e string
    	(alias for -env-var-name) (default "DOCKER_HOST")
  -env-var-name string
    	environment variable to set (default "DOCKER_HOST")
  -i string
    	(alias for -ssh-key-file)
  -listen-ip string
    	local IP to listen on (default "")
  -listen-port int
    	local TCP port to listen on (set to 0 to assign a random free port)
  -p int
    	(alias for -listen-port)
  -remote-socket-path string
    	remote socket path (default "/var/run/docker.sock")
  -s string
    	(alias for -remote-socket-path) (default "/var/run/docker.sock")
  -ssh-app string
    	use an external ssh client application (default: use native (go) ssh client)
  -ssh-app-extra-args string
    	extra CLI arguments for external ssh clients
  -ssh-app-openssh ssh
    	use the openssh ssh CLI ("ssh -nNT -L \"{{.LocalIP}}:{{.LocalPort}}:{{.RemoteAddr}}\" -p \"{{.SSHPort}}\"  \"{{.User}}@{{.SSHHost}}\" {{.ExtraArgs}}") (default: use native (go) ssh client)
    	use the PuTTY CLI ("putty -ssh -NT \"{{.User}}@{{.SSHHost}}\" -P \"{{.SSHPort}}\"  -L \"{{.LocalIP}}:{{.LocalPort}}:{{.RemoteAddr}}\" {{.ExtraArgs}}")  (default: use native (go) ssh client)
  -ssh-auth-sock string
    	ssh-agent socket address ($SSH_AUTH_SOCK)
  -ssh-key-file string
    	path of an ssh key file
  -ssh-key-pass -i
    	passphrase for the ssh key file given via -i
  -ssh-max-attempts int
    	maximum number of ssh re-connection attempts (default 10)
  -ssh-max-delay duration
    	maximum re-connection attempt delay (default 15s)
  -ssh-min-delay duration
    	minimum re-connection attempt delay (default 250ms)
  -ssh-server-addr string
    	(remote) ssh server address [user@]host[:port]
  -v	(alias for -verbose)
    	print more logs
    	print version and exit