
My Linux dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim script


My Linux dotfiles


My vimrc(init.vim for nvim) has a few standard settings and a couple of easter eggs.

Tabs are set to 4 spaces, because that's how I like it.

F5 can be mashed to kill off trailing whitspaces.


Not much to say here, got some nice colors and some basic aliases.

(I try to avoid using aliases when possible, they feel like a crutch sometimes).

Also, I prefer a higher key repeat rate, especially with nvim.


Starts x automatically on login.


This is a bash script I wrote to map out a few keys for xbindkeys.

This script prompts users to bind the volume up and down keys through ALSA, as well as the brightness up and down keys through xbacklight.

Typically, I add other things to my .xbindkeysrc such as a binding for slock (usually mod4 + l).


My openbox xml config (rc.xml) and my autostart file live here.


Tab completion ignroing case is a must, and so is disabling the dang terminal bell.


This is where I set my default terminal font and font size.