
A simple Go program that adds two numbers from a JSON object

Primary LanguageGo


Given a JSON dictionary containing x and y, outputs the sum of x and y.

Extra keys in the dictionary will be ignored. Missing keys will default to zero.


add [-v] <input file path>

The program will also read directly from standard input, e.g.:

echo '{"x": 5.5, "y": -1.542}' | add
add < somefile.json

Verbose flag

If the -v or --verbose flag is provided on the command line, the entire expression will be output rather than just the result, for example:

> echo '{"x": 5.5, "y": -1.542}' | add

> echo '{"x": 5.5, "y": -1.542}' | add -v
5.5 + -1.542 = 3.958