
Vulndb is a vulnerability database and package search for sources such as NVD, GitHub, ...

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Vulndb is a vulnerability database and package search for sources such as NVD, GitHub and so on. It uses a built-in file based storage to allow offline access.


pip install appthreat-vulndb


This package is ideal as a library for managing vulnerabilities. This is used by dep-scan, a free open-source dependency audit tool. However, there is a limited cli capability available with few features to test this tool directly.

Cache vulnerability data

vdb --cache

It is possible to customise the cache behaviour by increasing the historic data period to cache by setting the following environment variables.

  • NVD_START_YEAR - Default: 2016. Supports upto 2002
  • GITHUB_PAGE_COUNT - Default: 5. Supports upto 20

Periodic sync

To periodically sync the latest vulnerabilities and update the database cache.

vdb --sync

Basic search

It is possible to perform simple search using the cli.

vdb --search android:8.0

vdb --search google:android:8.0

vdb --search android:8.0,simplesamlphp:1.14.11

Syntax is package:version,package:version or vendor : package : version (Without space)