YouTube Alarm Maker

This command-line utility allows you to download audio from a YouTube video, clip a specified segment, and save it for use as an alarm tone on devices that support MP3 or similar audio formats.


  • Python 3.x
  • yt-dlp
  • pydub
  • ffmpeg

You can install the required Python packages using pip:

pip install yt-dlp pydub

Ensure you also have ffmpeg installed on your system. Refer to the official FFmpeg download page for installation instructions.


The utility requires three positional arguments:

  • url: The full URL of the YouTube video you want to download the audio from.
  • start_time: The start time for the audio clip in the format 'mm:ss:SSS' (minutes:seconds:milliseconds).
  • end_time: The end time for the audio clip in the same format as the start time.

Here's the command-line syntax:

python <url> <start_time> <end_time>


python 02:40:000 03:30:000

This will create an MP3 file named alarm_clip.mp3 with the audio from 2 minutes, 40 seconds to 3 minutes, 30 seconds from the provided YouTube video.


  • This script is for educational purposes. Ensure you have the right to access and modify the content you download.
  • The quality and format of the downloaded audio are set to 192kbps MP3, but these can be changed within the script.
  • The script does minimal error checking, so ensure your inputs are correct.