
Assumes you have already created a PKS/K8s Cluster with something similar to below.

  1. pks login -a uaa-svr.domain-name.com -u alana -p somepassword -k
  2. pks create-cluster ga-routed-demo --external-hostname ga-routed-demo.domain-name.com --plan small --num-nodes 2
  3. pks get-credentials ga-routed-demo
  4. pks cluster ga-routed-demo
    1. Kubernetes Master IP(s):
    2. NOTE: We have routed access to the K8S Master node in this setup ( but the CERTIFICATES were generated with the —external-hostname parameter which is ga-routed-demo.domain-name.com which means that is how we will need to address the Master node. To accomplish this we will need to add a DNS entry for this hostname and IP
  5. echo " ga-routed-demo.domain-name.com" >> /etc/hosts
  6. kubectl config get-contexts
  7. kubectl config use-context ga-routed-demo
  8. kubectl get nodes -o wide