
Stores content in a YAML file and uses Ruby's ERB templating system to handle format and layout.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This bilingual CV system stores content in a YAML file and uses Ruby's ERB templating system to handle format and layout. The templates currently implemented are Markdown and LaTeX; HTML and plain text will follow. You can use xelatex to create a PDF file from the generated LaTeX file.

escape_html.rb, escape_md.rb escape_tex.rb, and escape_txt.rb define escape functions for handling special characters or cases. (For example, & must be escaped as \& in HTML, and \\& in LaTeX. The escape function also handles other special cases, including links.) Escape characters must appear in square brackets in the YAML file. For example, to include an ampersand, use [&].

Store private contact information in the private.de.yaml and private.en.yaml files. This information will be omitted from the "web" version of the generated CV (selected with the -w or --web option). This is to prevent certain contact information (e.g. phone number, address) from being uploaded to a public repository or website. For an example, see private.example.yaml.

The -e or --english option creates an English version of the CV, using both an i18n dictionary file (i18n/en.i18n) and an English version yaml file with translated information on courses etc. By default, i18n/de.i18n and cv.de.yaml are used to create the German versions.

This project is a fork from Ming-Ho Yee's project which was inspired by David Hu's resume project.

For examples, my templates are included in this repository, while the generated resumes are on my website.


Feel free to fork or use this project and adapt the templates for your own resume. (Obviously, the resume content is mine.)

Usage: generate.rb [options]
    -i, --input INPUT                input file
    -p, --private PRIVATE            private input file
    -t, --template TEMPLATE          template file
    -w, --web                        create a web version omitting private information
    -e, --english                    create an English version

Shell Script

The shell script generate.sh generates .tex, .md and .pdf versions of my CV in German and English as well as separate web versions without private data. Public files are pushed to the _cv-data-repo. Further, presentations.md and a presentations.tex files are created for use in lists of publication.


  • Create .txt and .html versions
  • Create .docx versions by using Pandoc
  • Create Makefile
  • Clean up i18n files and fully translate the yaml files


  • Ruby
  • LaTeX


The resume content in this repo (cv.de.yaml and cv.en.yaml) is copyrighted by Stefan Groth.

The rest of the project is licensed under the MIT License.