
Assortment of tiny, tiny tools

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

SGrottel's Tiny Tools Collection

Swiss Army Cheese

Assortment of tiny, tiny tools.

These are independent tools. Each one is too tiny to justify a repository of it's own.



Beep Build Action


Dib Dib

Dib Build Action

Desktop Icon Backup

DimMon DimMon

DimMon Build Action

C# app to dim monitors by displaying an transparent black overlaying window. The idea is to dim "other" monitors when watching a video or playing a game one only one of the monitors.

FolderSummary FolderSummary

FolderSummary Build Action

Simple C# app to summarize the content of a folder (recursively) into a Json file, or compares the content of a folder (recursively) to a Json file reporting differences in file existance, size, and write date. Can use Everything, if available.


A powershell script to print an overview of my stuff on Github. Github CLI must be installed.

GlobalHotKeys GlobalHotKeys

GlobalHotKeys Build Action

Utility to launch processes based on global hot keys.


HWndToFront Build Action

Brings a window to front in Windows 11. Can also start an application and bring that's window to front.

KeePassHotKey KeePassHotKey

KeePassHotKey Build Action

Wrapper utility to open a KeePass DB or trigger the Auto-Type Feature

LocalHtmlInterop LocalHtmlInterop

LocalHtmlInterop Build Action

Utility to interact with locally generated, file-hosted, and locally viewed Html pages. Custom Url schema allows to trigger functionality from within the Html pages in a system-consistent manner.

LoginWhen LoginWhen

LoginWhen Build Action

Queries the Windows event log to print when the user sessions logged in and logged out.


Powershell script using IcoTools to make an .ico file from multiple image files in one call.


poltermouse Build Action

Little tool to move the mouse around by itself, faking activity.

scfeu scfeu

scfeu Build Action

Source Code Files Encoding Unifier -- encoding and line endings fixed in code files. Sort of.


Unsorted useful scripts, e.g. Pwsh.

shutdownplannergui shutdownplannergui

shutdownplannergui Build Action

A small GUI, slapped together in C#, around the Shutdown command-line utility.

StartPwsh StartPwsh

StartPwsh Build Action

Trivial tool to start Pwsh.exe and provide an icon. Because...


TestConApp Build Action

Simple little console application usable in tests, to check whether a process is correctly called. It echoes it's command line arguments and a couple of diagnostic properties.

ToggleDisplay ToggleDisplay

ToggleDisplay Build Action

Command line tool to enable/disable/toggle connected displays. My scenario is to toggle a TV connected to my PC as \\.\DISPLAY3


Tool to collect urls from clipboard, one by one.


Some more generic documentation files, e.g. including images.



All tools are open source and can be used freely.

In general, and explicitly for all tools not specifying a license in their subdirectory, all code within this repositiory is published under the MIT license.

Some tools explicitly specify a license, mostly Apache License version 2.0. In those cases, consider those tools to be dual licensed under MIT license and the explicitly specifed license. You can then use the tool under the terms of one of those licences, as you choose.

In doubt, just ask.