== Installation/Usage

Just copy windows.js in your javascript directory, and default.css + default directory in your stylesheets directory 
See samples/index.html for more details and go on my web page : http://prototype-window.xilinus.com

== Change log  

- 04/23/07  V 1.3
            - Added: getTitle
            - Added: blur/focus function on Windows module
            - Added: onBlur event  
            - Fixed: WindowCloseKey works with URL content (iframe) 
            - Fixed: Modal window with a parent != document.body
            - Updated: prototype 1.5RC3
            - Updated: Dialog handle resizable,minimizable, maximizable, draggable and closable options
- 02/27/07  V 1.2
            - Added: gridX and gridY constructor's options to snap move and resize 
            - Added: Effect on modal overlay (fade/appear) only if effects.js in included.
              You can change effect options (Windows.overlayShowEffectOptions and Windows.overlayHideEffectOptions).
            - Fixed: Multimodal mode.
            - Fixed: Works on WebKit.
            - Beta: effects on minimize and maximize. You need to include window_effects.js to have them.
- 02/17/07  V 1.1
            - Constructor has been simplified, now you can just do win = new Window(). By default id is automatically generated and can be passed as options
              win = new Window({id: "my_id", width: 100, height: 100}) 
              Backward compatibility with old constructor win = new Window("my_id", {width: 100, height: 100}) 
            - Observer event can be passed as window option:   win = new Window({onClose: function() {alert('close')}}) 
            - parent option can be id or element
            - delegate has been removed (not really usefull) and0 setCloseCallback has been addedinstead. (It could be also passed as a constructor's option closeCallback: your_callcabck)
              your_callcabck must return true to be able to close the window
            - add onMove event
            - fix constraint for minimized window
            - destroyOnClose could be passed as constructor's option:  win = new Window({destroyOnClose: true}) 
            - constraint works for maximized windows
            - Dialog ok and cancel parameters has been renamed to onOk and onCancel for coherence (ok and cancel still works)
            - Update to Prototype 1.5 and script.aculo.us 1.7

- 01/14/07  V 1.00
            - add changeClassName to change look and feel dynamically.
            - add constraint move. Constraint can be on a div or document.
            - full top and bottom bar are use to move window.
            - fixed computation of window width or height.
            - add setURL/getURL/refresh and setHTMLContent. Content can be change dynamically. 
            - add tooltip.js add on. It's an add-on to add dynamically tooltips on a webpage (see samples/tooltips/tooltip.html)
              Thanks to Jonathan Modell of  2moromedia.com.
- 12/06/06  V 0.99
            - remove addClass that automatically tries to include default.css
            - add wired move/resize
            - fix recenterAuto
            - add show to WindowStore to be able to open a window the first time, wihtout any cookie (check samples/window_store/html)

- 11/06/06  V 0.98
            - new optional behavior for multi-level modal window.
            - Two new add-ons (in window_ext.js file) 
               + WindowStore to save open/close window status.
               + WindowCloseKey to handle escape key (or any keys) to close windows/dialogs

- 10/26/06  V 0.97
            - add recenterModal to constructor
            - setAjaxContent eval response request
            - modal window multi level
            - fix close/closeAll issues
            - add addCss (auto add default.css)
- 09/26/06  V 0.96.3
      			- Fixed onClose, no more memory leak and nore issues with sound on IE (even on dialogs)
      			- add getLocation
      			- Debug select problem on Firefox
      			- change mouseup event to onclick event
      			- Fixed event propagation on mininize/maximize/close
      			- Add frameborder=0
      			- Add prototype_window_class_helper.rb by Jorge Díaz (http://xurde.info)
- 07/22/06  V 0.96.2
            - Fixed select issue in modal window			
- 07/15/06  V 0.96.1
            - Bugs fixed
            - Add isVisible()
            - Update debug.js
- 07/11/06  V 0.96
            - New events onShow, onHide, onFocus
            - isVisible()
            - Autofit width or height if width or (NOT AND) height is set to null in the constructor
            - updateWidth / updateHeight if you need to update width or height (useful after changing window content if you do not want scrollbars)
            - Add top, left to showCenter(modal, top, left) optional arguments if you need to center only left or top value.
- 06/30/06  V 0.95
            - Now you can set windows or dialogs content with an Ajax request!!
            - Fixed IE issue when you destroy window with an url that embeds mp3.
            - Fixed buttonClass issue for Dialog.
            - Update samples
- 06/24/06  V 0.90
            - Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict!
            - Fixed minimize function
            - Fixed destroy on window without hide effects
            - No more text selection while dragging
            - Add onMinimize/onMaximize event
- 06/19/06  V 0.85.2
            - Remove undeclared vars
            - Set top/left to 0 if not specify
            - Destroy objet after hide effect instead of before effect instead
            - getSize
            - add extended_debug.js (from Jason Pollard)
- 06/13/06  V 0.85.1
            - IE bug fixed
- 06/12/06  V 0.85
            - Autofit width or height for Dialog
            - Better Move/Resize over 
            - Allow select in modal window (even on IE)
            - WARNING, ok callback for Dialog should returns true to close the dialog
            - better window HTML code (no more div inside the td)
            - Add themes
- 05/23/06  V 0.80
            - Add setTitle
            - Add setStatusBar
            - Store minimize/maximize in the cookie (Thanks to Ifran)
            - Add onload constructor parameter (Thanks to Ifran)
            - Add button class for dialog (Thanks to Felix Shnir)
- 05/09/06  V 0.75
            - Update with Script.aculo.us 1.6.1 and Prototype 1.5.0_rc1
            - Remove PNG for dialog overlay, use opacity as done in lightbox V2
            - Add Windows.focusedWindow and  Windows.closeAll
            - Add name to iframe in case of url window
            - Clean up code, use _ for private function (just name convention)
            - Add Dialog.info function, usefull for for submit or notice info (in Rails)
            - Add minimize and maximize buttons
            - Add alert_lite.css without any images
            - Debug
- 04/15/06  V 0.70
					  - Add autoposition in setContent. The window will at the element location
					  - Add draggable/closable parameter if you need to specify is the window is draggable/closable or not
					  - Add parent parameter if you need a specific parent instead of body
					  - Better resize
					  - Add setCookie to store window location/size in a cookie
					  - Add parent.html sample

- 04/05/06  V 0.65 
           - Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre1, script.aculo.us 1.6.0
				   - Add setDestoyOnClose
				   - Add Windows Observer with onStartResize(), onEndResize(), onStartMove(), onEndMove(), onClose(), onDestroy() events
				   - Add setContent(id, autoresize)

- 03/29/06  V 0.6  
           - Add Window delegate to manage close action
			     - Add modal mode and Dialog class with common panels: alert, confirm
				   - Clean HTML code and change caracters to lowercase to be XHTML compliant (thanks to nuxygen and Joseph)
				   - Add showEffectOptions, hideEffectOptions, effectOptions to Window constructor (thanks to Jon)
				   - Fix checkbox IE bug (big thanks to JCA)
				   - Fix other little bugs (thanks to nuxygen, Dennis, and all who sent me emails)
				   - Update samples/index.html
				   - Add new sample usng frame (samples/inset.html and samples/inframe.html but use only samples/inset.html)
- 03/27/06 	V 0.51 
           - New CSS theme structure 
           - Add url: constructor parameter to have a window with an URL content
				   - Add bottom/right constructor parameters	
				   - Update sample files.
- 03/24/06  V 0.50 Initial revision

== License

it is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included MIT-LICENSE file.

== Thanks
To all of you who sent me bugs, patches and feature requests
