
A RESTful API for retrieving clinical data in the MyHealthAvatar platform

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is the code for the Clinical API server for the MyHealthAvatar project. This service offers a RESTful interface with the following functionalities:

  • Upload a zip of DICOM images. The files are then sent to the backend DICOM server (using C-STORE command). The endpoint for this is the /upload using the POST HTTP method and it's compliant with the Resumable.js client side (javascript) library, so that pretty large files can be uploaded in a robust way. This endpoint also supports CORS
  • Retrieve information about a DICOM series using GET at the /series endpoint with the series instance UID supplied in the series_id query parameter. The server contacts the backend DICOM server (using C-FIND) and returns information about the patient id, the study instance UID, and the list of images ("SOP instance UIDs") in JSON format.
  • Retrieve the whole DICOM series as a ZIP file using GET at the /dcm endpoint with the series instance UID supplied in the series_uid query parameter. The images comprising the series are retrieved from the backend DICOM server using the C-FIND and C-GET commands.
  • Retrieve a preview (JPEG image) of an instance (image) of a DICOM series using GET at the /wado endpoint given an "instance UID" in the instance_uid query parameter. The endpoint actually "proxies" the backend DICOM server using the WADO protocol.
  • Finally, retrieve a patient's clinical summary in JSON format using GET at the /patsum endpoint. The data are retrieved from the backend TripleStore using SPARQL (see the queries at src/main/resources/Queries/ folder). Additional query string parameters exist for specifying a date range: from is for the start of the date period, and to for the end for the period. The format of these dates should be compliant with the ISO format, e.g. "2008-04-21".

The following drawing shows the architecture:

                                                             |                            |
                                                             |                            |
                                                             |       DICOM Server         |
                                                             |                            |
                                                             |                            |
                 +----------------------+                                   ^
   HTTP REST     |                      |                                   |
                 |                      |                                   |
+--------------->|                      |                                   |
                 |   MHA Clinical API   |                                   |
                 |                      +-----------------------------------+
                 |                      |         C-STORE, C-FIND, C-GET, WADO
                 |                      |
                             |      |
                             |      |                                                   +---------------------+
                             |      |                                                   |                     |
                             |      |              SPARQL                               |                     |
                             |      +-------------------------------------------------->|      TripleStore    |
                  Store      |                                                          |      (Virtuoso)     |
                  clinical   |                                                          |                     |
                  data       |        +--------------------------+                      |                     |
                             |        |                          |                      +---------------------+
                             |        |         CASSANDRA        |
                             +------->|     (the "data lake")    |
                                      |                          |


The Clinical API server is typically deployed behind a reverse proxy that accepts all the requests for the MHA APIs and services and then routes to the responsible backend server. For the Clinical API server a typical Apache 2 configuration that uses the mod_rewrite and its proxy support is the following:

		RewriteEngine on
		RewriteRule ^/mha/clinical-api/(.*)$ http://<server-ip>:9595/$1 [P]

where <server-ip> is the IP (or DNS name) of the Clinical API server (by default it listens on port 9595). If done this way, the server will accept the session "cookies" after a user logs into the MHA portal and then it forwards them to the MHA "token/session validation API", e.g. to https://myhealthavatar.org/mha/api/me. The prefix /mha/clinical-api/ can be changed but in that case you need to also adapt the BASE_URI property in the server's config file (see below).

By the way, the same configuration for the nginx web server is as follows:

location /mha/clinical-api {
    rewrite  ^/mha/clinical-api/(.*)  /$1 break;
    proxy_redirect     off;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header   Host              $http_host;
    proxy_set_header   X-NginX-Proxy     true;
    proxy_set_header   Connection        "";
    proxy_http_version 1.1;


Check the config.properties file, shown also below:

### Configuration properties for the MHA-ClinicalAPI server
## The listening port, the "base URL" (i.e. the externally visible url that any request to it is forwarded to 
## our server by the Proxy), log file (if needed), and temporary upload files location

## Configuration for the validation of session cookies and tokens

## DICOM Configuration
## Specify the DICOM Server host, port, "application entity", and WADO URL

## Triplestore
SPARQL_URL=<the endpoint accepting SPARQL requests>

## Cassandra
## Specify the connection parameters for Cassandra

ssfak at ics dot forth dot gr