
Synergy is the app which helps "Better mental health". Our ambition for this category was to create a platform for connecting people with similar interests. People which connect with one another would then be able to complete their favorite activities together. Synergy targets those who have many time commitments and may otherwise find it difficult to meet new people and maintain a hobby.

Primary LanguageDart


A connection towards wellness


Our group, Team_Phoenix, were inspired by recent events to make something which helps "Better mental health". Our ambition for this category was to create a platform for connecting people with similar interests. People which connect with one another would then be able to complete their favourite activities together. Synergy targets those who have many time commitments and may otherwise find it difficult to meet new people and maintain a hobby.

🤩What it does

Users are able to explore and search for activities/workshops around them. You are able to view other users' profiles based on their favourite or past activities/workshops. When participating in activities/workshops users earn reward points which in turn allow them to redeem rewards. Rewards can be anything from free accessories to 2 free workshops. Users are also able to message others users with the use of the inbox tab.

😉How we built it

Synergy is an app built with Flutter Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase. The app is also based in a GitHub repository. We have used Figma for designing our App.

😮Challenges we ran into

When creating Synergy we encountered problems when building the databases for: User, Activity, Workshop, Message.

😎Accomplishments that we're proud of

Having been able to produce and almost implement our entire idea is a big accomplishment for us. Given the group only had a small timeframe we worked hard and delegated the tasks well. As well as a fully complete mock-up, wireframe, and a full presentation which displays our idea.

⭐What's next for Synergy

There are a few features Synergy would like to implement next. One of those being the ability to view local venues for workshops/activities. Being able to view venues for workshops/activities allows for a better understanding of what there is to do in your area and also helps with the planning of such workshops/activities. Also the addition of a freemium revenue model. Users will get to connect with 5 people in the free trial and then $5-10 a month for the service. In the future, synergy users will be able to find and book local venues for workshops/activities. we would implement safety and emergency features for our users. We will include indoor physical activities to do together using virtual reality, which will be useful in times like the current pandemic.