
Invoice Ninja client built with Flutter

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION

Invoice Ninja

Companion app for the Invoice Ninja web app.

Note: the mobile app requires the latest version of the web app.

View Invoice List Invoices Contact Details Edit Product


  • Dashboard
  • Clients
  • Products
  • Invoices
  • Quotes
  • Payments
  • Projects
  • Tasks
  • Vendors
  • Expenses
  • Tablet support
  • Web/Version 2

Setting up the app

  • Run cp lib/.env.dart.example lib/.env.dart to create the config file.
  • Run cp android/app/build.gradle.dev android/app/build.gradle to support running the code unsigned.
  • Run flutter run while you have a device connected to the computer or an emulator running and now you can run it.

Application Architecture

The application was created using the Flutter Redux Starter.

The architecture is based off these two projects:

Blog Posts

Code generation

  • Run flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs to regenerate the model files. It will also remove the old generated files so conflicts are avoided..


  • Run flutter drive --target=test_driver/all_it.dart to run the tests

Code Signing

  • Run cp android/app/build.gradle.prod android/app/build.gradle to support running the code signed
  • Run cp android/key.properties.example android/key.properties to create the keys file
  • Run keytool -genkey -v -keystore key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias invoiceninja to generate a key to be able to sign the android application.
  • Update android/key.properties according to the parameters you entered in previous command when you generated the key
  • Open a new Firebase project from your console. Firebase is used for authentication.
    • Inside the project go to Authentication and enable at least one method.
    • After go to add a new Android application. For the package name add com.invoiceninja.flutter
    • Press "Register App" button.
    • Download "google-services.json" and put it in android/app directory.


Special thanks to:


We gladly accept contributions! If you'd like to get involved with development please join our Slack group.

Create pull requests for v1 against the 'legacy' branch and for v2 against the 'develop' branch.