
Templates for new projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Appc Boilerplate

A collection of Node.js project templates to get you up and running quickly.


  • Support for ES2015/ES2016 using Babel
  • Writes sourcemaps for debugging and stack traces
  • ESLint for static analysis and code style
  • API documentation via ESDoc
  • Unit tests using Mocha
  • Code coverage using Istanbul
  • Unit test assertions using Chai and Sinon

Note: some templates require Node.js 4 or newer. Support for Node.js 0.10 and 0.12 can be achieved using babel-preset-es2015 instead of babel-preset-nodejs-lts.

Gulp Tasks

  • gulp build or npm run build

    Cleans the dist directory, lints your code, transpiles your code using Babel, and writes sourcemaps.

  • gulp test or npm test

    Runs your unit tests using Mocha and displays the report.

  • gulp coverage or npm run coverage

    Same as gulp test except it instruments your code with Istanbul, then runs the tests and displays a summary. Writes lcov report (JSON and HTML formatted) to the coverage directory.

  • gulp clean

    Removes all generated files such as transpiled code, sourcemaps, API docs, and code coverage results.

  • gulp lint-src and gulp lint-test

    Lints your source and unit tests.

  • gulp docs or npm run docs

    Generates API docs into the docs directory.

Getting Started

Here's a general list of how to use these project templates:

  1. Copy the entire template directory somewhere and rename the directory to the name of your project
  2. Edit the package.json and update the name and git repository name
  3. Run git init
  4. Run npm install
  5. Write your code in the src directory
  6. Run gulp test or gulp coverage
  7. To publish your package to NPM, run npm publish which will trigger the gulp build task before publishing


Please feel free to add new project templates or fix any issues. Please keep these project templates consistent. For example, if you add something to .gitignore for one template, add it to all other relevant templates.