Nominatim Docker
Run in a docker container. Clones the current master and builds it. This is always the latest version, be cautious as it may be unstable.
Uses Ubuntu 14.04 and PostgreSQL 9.3
It downloads Europe/Monacco (latest) from
If a different country should be used, change the wget line in the Dockerfile to pull a different country file.
To rebuild the image locally execute
docker build -t nominatim .
By default the container exposes port 8080
To run the container execute
# remove any existing containers
docker rm -f nominatim_container || echo "nominatim_container not found, skipping removal"
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name nominatim_container --detach nominatim
Check the logs of the running container
docker logs nominatim_container
Stop the container
docker stop nominatim_container
Connect to the nominatim webserver with curl. If this succeeds, open http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser
curl "http://localhost:8080"