Software Engineering Studio 1B 2018, Morning group 1.

Primary LanguageVue

Software Engineering Studio 1B - 2018

Wrk1 01 1

This is the repository for SES1B's Patient-Doctor application assignment.

Table of Contents

Environment Dependencies

Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the respository

    git clone https://github.com/sguillema/SES1B-M1
  2. Navigate to the project folder and run

    npm install

    And once this is done, you can run

    npm run install

    This will install all project dependencies and link them together

Updating the repository

  1. In the root folder of the project, run
    git pull
    Then run
    npm run install
    Please ensure that you are on the correct branch. You can see what branch you are on using the git branch command. You can change what branch you are on using the git checkout <branchName> command. Make sure to pull the latest version!

Running the Application for development

Once you have successfully installed the project dependencies, you can run the following command from the project root directory to start the application

npm run dev

After this, make sure to run the stub server. Steps for it can be found in the Running the Stub server for development section below.

You can access the running application through localhost:3333.

For local development, you can login to the app as a patient using john@example.com as the email, and password as the password.

You can login as a doctor using jane@example.com as the email, and password as the password.

Note: This is just for local development.

Running the Stub server for development

For development, the application will use a stub server to handle API requests. In the project root directory, run the following command to start the server

npm run stub <port>

If you don't specify a port, the stub server will choose 4000 as the default

Back-end Development

Back-end development is done using ClaudiaJS to deploy AWS Lambda functions. Please refer to the Installation & Setup section to get things ready. Section is WIP


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