
This website was made during my college presentation and here, I am trying to convey the need for Cyber Security and how to prevent malicious activities through it, and also how to safeguard our children from child predators. It's a really simple and basic HTML, CSS, and JS-based website.

Primary LanguageHTML


What is it?

This website was made during my college presentation and here, I am trying to convey the need for Cyber Security and how to prevent malicious activities through it, and also how to safeguard our children from child predators. It's a really simple and basic HTML, CSS, and JS-based website.


Technological advances are changing the world in ways that could not have been imagined. The emergence of advanced digital innovations are providing new opportunities to connect and learn, and have begun influencing every aspect of human life. Children and young people have shown greater ability to adapt and adopt digital devices and innovations, which augurs well for the future. They use the devices and apps for a variety of functions, including self-expression, communication, networking, research, entertainment, and much more.