
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RISCV-Simulator Phase 3

============================================= Functional Simulator for RISC Processor

Table of contents:-

  1. Directory Structure
  2. How to execute
  3. Some assumptions
  4. GUI Structure

====================== Directory Structure:-

RISCV-Simulator | |- src | |- main.py(containing whole code to run on terminal) |- fetch.py(containing the code for fetch step) |- decode.py(containing the code for decode step) |- execute.py(containing the code for execute step) |- memory.py(containing the code for memory step) |- writeback.py(containing the code for writeback step) |- gui.py |- gui_main.py(containing whole code to run on gui window) |- data.mc |- makefile |- gui_stalling |- gui_forwarding |- output.txt |- doc | |- design-doc.docx |- README.md | |- test |- fibonacci.mc |- factorial.mc |- bubble_sort.mc

============== How to run

$cd src
$cd make 
|_ _(With GUI)-
|	|
|	| 
| A window will appear
| On the right side of GUI
| Enter the input in Cache Memory block for
| 1. Cache Size:- Input should be only integer and it should be in bytes
| 2. Block Size :- It should be integer and should be in bytes
| 3. Ways for SA :- Enter the value for k way set associative(k=this input)
| The same inputs should be provided for Instruction Cache as well
| After this click on Assemble button
| Now you have two options to proceed further
| 1. Going step by step
| 2. running the whole code together
|--If you want to run the code step by step:-
| >>>>Click on Step button on the gui 
|	-In output log, Output after each step will get printed
|	- Detailed view of output log is shown at the bottom of the README
|	-If the instruction is load or store:- Data cache will get updated accordingly
| If you want to run the whole code together:-
| >>>>Click on run button
|	-And the whole code will get executed
|	-All the necessary things will get printed in the output log
| 	-You can see the Data cache as well as instruction cache on the GUI by switching tabs 
| --when you select this button
------code will execute with pipeline
| -------two buttons will appear
----Data Forwarding(when you select this option data hazards will be solved using data forwarding)
----Stalling(when you select this option, data hazards will be solved using stalling)
| --when you don't select this button
-----your code will execute without pipeline
|- after adding any pc value into it, buffer values for that instruction will be printed
|-if we check the checkbox "PRINT ALL PRINT REGISTER" , and press the button "PRINT PIPELINE REGISTER",
|	all of the buffers will get printed at the end of output.
|_ _(Without Gui-on terminal)-
|	|
|	|
|   Output-Values stored in all the registers
| 	  -Values stored in memory
| 	  -Used dictionaries as a data structure for storing these values

================ Assumptions

Delimiter-0xffffc No. of Accesses:- like in Sw and lw instruction, our code is byte addressable so we are checking byte by byte for eg in lw instruction:- word is 4byte so firstly we will check for 1st byte of the word then for 2nd byte and in all these steps we are accessing data cache so I am calculating no. of accesses to be 4 in this case

No. of hits and misses:- same is the situation for hits and misses in case of lw and sw. as the word is 4 bytes so I am accessing data cache 4 times so I am counting hits and misses accordingly in each and every access.

No. of accesses of data cache and instruction cache:- we printed the total accesses of data cache and instruction cache separately. No. of hits and No. of misses:- printed no. of hits and no. of misses separately in case of data cache and instruction cache.

Input:-1. Total sets should not be equal to 0 2. Block size should be less than cache size 3. (cachesize//block size)//(k way associativity) this value should be greater than 0

================== More About GUI

--While proceeding with step button --It will show opcode,func3,func7 --Instruction type --Rs1,RS2,Immediate values --Messages like which function executed.

In case of lw, sw instructions --Printing the data cache structure --It will show the tag, blockoffset and index for a particular instruction --Will also tell whether the cache accessing is missed or hit. --In case of miss, it will show the value of the block which we have to replace and we found it using lru method --This is actually the victim block which we will replace from the data cache --Similarly we will do for instruction cache.

Output log:- --By clicking on this button, complete output file will be displayed

Open data.mc button --This is the input file containing all the machine codes ------text instructions format:- PCMachineInstruction ------Delimiter(0xffffc) ------Data instructions format:- MemoryLocationByteValue Our memory is Byte Addressable

Assemble button:- --By clicking on it code will assemble --Then all the data instructions will get executed

Step and Run button --Function already explained above

Register view --Shows value of all the registers

Memory view --Shows value of memory byte by byte

Print pipeline Register --All the pipeline registers will be printed by selecting this option

1-Bit Branch Predictor:- --Hit(when prediction matches with the actual result) --Miss(when prediction doesn't match with the actual result)

Block diagram of Instructions So basically it's a rectangle

--1st row means first instruction which will get executed
--2nd row means 2nd instruction which will get executed in the code

--1st column shows which part of which instruction get executed in the first cycle
--similarly 2nd column shows which part of which instruction will get executed in the 2nd cycle

for eg:- in the first cycle fetch of 1st instruction will occur in the second cycle decode of first instruction and fetch of second instruction will occur

then block diagram will be:-

1	2

1 F D 2 F

--all the outputs which we have to print will get printed in the end in output file --if we check the checkbox "PRINT ALL PRINT REGISTER" , and press the button "PRINT PIPELINE REGISTER", all of the buffers will get printed at the end of output.

Data Cache Block -- It displays all the sets in data cache -- Different associative ways in a set is differentiated by lime and cyan colours -- First Column in each way gives the Tag of that block -- The next n (n=blocksize) columns gives the data of that particular tag

Instruction Block -- It displays the cache memory for instructions -- Display format is similar to the Data Cache Block