Code for CubeSat motion control

Consists of the following classes.

  • class Satellite. A class for satellites in general.

    • class CubeSat(Satellite). A subclass of Satellite for CubeSat.

      • class ImpairedCubeSat(CubeSat). A subclass of CubeSat for a CubeSat that can't rotate and move directionally at the same time.
    • class Target(Satellite). A subclass of Satellite for the Target.

  • class Sim. The simulation infrastructure.

New Raspberry Pi Set-Up

sudo apt-get update

Enable interfaces

sudo raspi-config

Enable Interface options VNC, I2C, SPI, Serial, etc.

(Optional) Install Remote Desktop

apt-get install xrdp

We also want to install some CircuitPython Adafruit libraries, since we're gonna use a lot of sensors from Adafruit, because they make their own drivers for them. Follow the instructions here: https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-on-raspberrypi-linux/installing-circuitpython-on-raspberry-pi

Data Dictionary


Each data array is produced by the simulation by sampling the given variable at specific times and appending them to the save array. For example, position is three-dimensional (x, y, z) and so at each time t is described by a list of length 3. If the simulation samples each variable 1876 times, the final position array will be (3 x 1876), describing the 3D position at each sampled time.

Variable Description Dimensions Units
Time The time at each sample, eg. [0.00, 0.04, 0.08, ..., 75.00] 1 seconds
Pos The position, where (0, 0, 0) is the starting point on the Earth below the satellite 3 (x, y, z) metre
Vel The velocity in each 3D direction 3 (xdot, ydot, zdot) metre/sec
Att The attitude (or orientation) around each 3D axis 3 (roll, pitch, yaw) radian
AngVel The angular velocity around each 3D axis 3 (roll vel, pitch vel, yaw vel) radian/sec
Inputs The attitude commands around each 3D axis, i.e. the satellite should rotate so that the attitude matches these values. 3 (roll, pitch, yaw) radian
Target pos The point on the ground which any of the shown beams are intersecting, i.e. the target. 3 (x, y, z) metre
ADCS mode The number describing the current mode of the guidance system, where the modes have names given in ADCS mode names. 1 -
Payload mode The number describing the current mode of the payload, where the modes have names given in Payload mode names. The payload mode affects what beams are active within the simulation. 1 -
Payload temp The temperature of the payload. 1 deg C
Energy The energy level of the satellite. 1 Joules

Fixed Properties

These variables are produced by the simulation as it runs but otherwise do not change with time.

Property Description Units
Time step The change in time between simulation step. sec
Target info Dictionary describing the position and visibility of each target receiver. -
ADCS mode names The names of each guidance system mode, where the index of the tuple is used to relate the name to the modes described by the ADCS mode array. -
Payload mode names The names of each payload mode, where the index of the tuple is used to relate the name to the modes described by the Payload mode array. -

Props Dictionary

Key Description
Sat Satellite properties, such as mass, geometry, altitude.
Camera Properties of one or more onboard cameras, such as position on sat body, resolution, pitch angle, field of view. Each camera has its own dictionary.
Earth Earth properties, such as mass, radius and the resolution (m/px) of the full-size texture image.
Universal Universal properties describing the laws of physics
Imagery Info on textures used in simulation and visualisation
Laser Positions of each laser emitter on the satellite body