====================================== The HotPot module for Moodle 2.x ====================================== The HotPot module allows teachers to administer the following externally authored exercises via Moodle 2.x - Hot Potatoes (version 6) - iSpring - Quedoc - TexToys - Xerte This plugin is distributed under the terms of the General Public License (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for details) This software is provided "AS IS" without a warranty of any kind. Sponsors who have generously contributed to the development of this software: - Agencia de Gestio d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Spain (via Josep M. Fontana, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - Rikkyo Univeristy, Japan (via Paul Allum) - Universite de Franche-Comte, France (via Glenys Hanson) - Akashi National Technical College, Japan (via John Herbert) - Moodle HQ Note: This plugin does NOT include the HotPot question import script. If you want the HotPot question import script, it can be downloaded from any of the following locations: (a) GIT: https://github.com/gbateson/moodle-qformat_hotpot.git (b) zip: the Moodle.org -> Plugins repository (search for HotPot) (c) zip: https://bateson.kochi-tech.ac.jp/zip/plugins_qformat_hotpot.zip ====================================== To INSTALL or UPDATE the HotPot module ====================================== 1. get the files for this plugin from any one of the following locations: (a) GIT: https://github.com/gbateson/moodle-mod_hotpot.git (b) CVS: the Moodle CVS repository (contrib/plugins/mod/hotpot) (c) zip: the Moodle.org -> Plugins repository (search for HotPot) (d) zip: https://bateson.kochi-tech.ac.jp/zip/plugins_mod_hotpot.zip If you are installing from a zip file, unzip the zip file, to create a folder called "hotpot" and upload or move this "hotpot" folder to the "mod" folder on your Moodle 2.x site to create a new folder at "mod/hotpot" - not "mod/hotpot/hotpot" :-) 2. log in to Moodle as administrator to initiate install/upgrade if install/upgrade does not begin automatically, you can initiate it manually by navigating to the following link: Settings -> Site administration -> Notifications ====================================== To add a HotPot activity to your Moodle course ====================================== 1. Login to Moodle, and navigate to a course page 2. Enable "Edit mode" on course page 3. Locate course topic/week where you wish to add the Hot Potatoes exercise 4. select "HotPot" from "Add an activity" menu 5. Next to "Source file name" click "Add" button 6. Click "Upload a file", then "Browse" to a Hot Potatoes file on your PC 7. Click "Upload this file" 8. if necessary, also upload images and sound files required by the Hot Potatoes file 9. review other settings 10. click "Save changes" at bottom of page