An android caffe demo app exploiting caffe pre-trained ImageNet model for image classification
- abelfangHefei
- aldrin233@HyperSense-Software
- anDoerUniversity of Bonn, Computer Vision Group
- andyhx
- antouanbgNovacom Group. & GridEx Ltd.
- banQomaniaHarare, Zimbabwe
- BaTpyIIIka
- billygl@fundamentio
- cantren
- cheaster
- conect
- desperado1992
- EvanWeiner
- feiliz
- haneulRubrik, Inc.
- jackshi007
- jhcloos
- juanlp
- karthikeyan-kandasamy
- limitmhw
- lincjsunChina
- liuyi999111
- loulansuiye
- luciw
- reloadbrainIndia
- Revo-Future
- Soledad89Tsinghua University
- thinkerzhangyanHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- Uchanka
- vu1seek
- willamezhang
- ZanderDev中国