
📝 A repository to save my projects and homeworks made for ENI

Primary LanguageJava

ENI Exercises and Projects

In this repo I save the projects and exercises I make as part of my Web Developer degree at ENI

🗂 List of all courses



Click to see oop Java exercises ⚙️

TP3 Rock Paper Scissors : A simple Rock Paper Scissors game played against the computer.

  • JSP Files
  • Java Scriplets, <% %>

TP4 Guess The Number : Guess the Number is a simple app that generates a random number and lets the user guess what it is.

  • Servlet, @WebInitParam, response.sendRedirect

TP3 Java EE Portfolio : A portfolio for my Java EE Projects.

TP2 Stationary Shop : Stationary store app.

  • DAO Pattern
  • JDBC driver

TP1 Doctors Appt : Doctors' appointments booking app.

  • Test classes
  • Objects.requireNonNullElse()
Click to see procedural programming Java exercises ☕️

TP11 Simple Calendar : Display a monthly calendar in the console.

  • Introduction to classes : GregorianCalendar
  • String matrix formatting : String.format()

TP10 Scrabble : Simple Scrabble inspired game. Selects a random word from a text file, shuffles the letters and asks the player for the longest possible word with these letters.

  • Exceptions handling : try, catch
  • FileInputStream

TP9 Guest List : Lets user add and remove guests from a guest list.

  • break

TP8 Aqua Poney : Mini game, a race of ponies in a pool, ponies move when user press the enter key

TP7 Word Shuffle : Gets a sentence from user and return the words with shuffled letters, except the words' first a and last letters.

  • split(), toCharArray()
  • Random(), random.nextInt()

TP6 Max Value : Sorts two values.

  • Math.max()
  • Integer.compare()

TP5 Sissa's Chessboard : Calculates sum of rice grains on Sissa's chessboard.

TP4 Prime Numbers : Finds and displays prime numbers up to a limit chosen by the user.

TP3 Checks : Takes checks user input, calculates sums, averages and sorts out bigger and smaller checks.

TP2 Payslip : Creates a simple payslip depending on the user hours worked, hourly rate etc.

TP1 Cooking Time : Calculates the required cooking time depending on the chosen meat, its weight and how cooked the user wants it.

  • equals()


Click to see all JavaScript exercises ⚡️

TP4 Auction App : Interfaces and classes for an auction app.

  • TypeScript

TP3 Donkey type : Calculate typing speed.

TP2 Micro blog : Micro blog, lets user post messsages and delete them by clicking on them, to-do list style.

  • DOM manipulation

TP1 Integer and string manipulations : Three basic string and integer manipulation exercises.

Click to see all HTML and CSS exercises 💅🏻

TP1 Form : Simple HTML form.