This demonstrates the use of the Unreal Engine plugin Blueprint Sorting.
- Right-click BPSorting.uproject
- Click Generate Visual Studio project files
- Open BPSorting.sln
- Compile / run
The default (and only) map is SortingExamplesMap. To check out the individual examples just play the map and click the arrows to jump between the examples and click the relevant button to run an example.
Check out the event graphs of the actors placed in the maps.
The blueprint function library SortingLibrary demonstrates how to build up a library of type specific sorts. As an example it contains a function for sorting an array of ints.
The blueprint object SortHelper demonstrates how to keep a set of ordering functions in some helper object. As an example it contains a function for ordering pairs of ints.
The blueprint object SortSignatureHolder demonstrates how to keep all the ordering signatures required in one place.