
Web directory scanner

Primary LanguageGo

== intro ==
Fast web resources identificator, combines crawling with bruteforcing.
This can open attack vectors, and is very useful for pentests.


== usage ==

$ ./dirscan  --help
Usage of ./dirscan:
  -dict="": the wordlist
  -go=5: num of concurrent goroutines
  -lang="": language (java, asp or php)
  -proxy="": set proxy ip:port
  -url="": the url

== examples ==

./dirscan -url http://site.com/ -dict wordlists/big.txt -lang php -go 20

== todo ==

- audodetect operative system, and if is windows avoid com,com1,prn,nul,aux ... and be case insensitive
- if crawler detects test1.php the bruter should test other numbers test2.php, test3.php ...

== dificult situations == 

- two or more balanced ws, give different response against non existent file, this confuse dirscan's output
- how to differentiate a file than a directory? some times this seems impossible