
Some exploits developed by me, some of them of real software other from CTF's or challenges

Primary LanguagePython

these are some of my public exploits,

infR3.s  			    An elf infector that has been used to get root in pentests.
put4.c	 			    My first buffer overflow exploit with my shellcode on 2005th
exploit11.py			Interesting exploit that does pivoting and un-pivoting
                  and other bypasses

rtlDecompressBuffer_POC.c   I discovered a windows ntdll null ptr derref
                            exploited with heap spray, interesting but not very
                            practical attack vector.

python_exploit.py           vulnerability in python (discovered by someone), I
                            did the first proof of concept about it.

netVtable.py                unifished yet, it uses a "neg" gadget to use an
                            address that has a null byte