
Counter Strike config ready to play anywhere

CS:GO config

How to use

create a file at this location : ... / Steam / userdata / <YOURSTEAMTRADEID> / 730 / local / cfg / autoexec.cfg

Start options

Steam LibraryGame PropertiesSet Launch Options

+exec autoexec.cfg -novid -threads 4 -high -noforcemaccel -tickrate 128 -nojoy -forcenovsync

paramaters meaning
exec autoexec.cfg execute this actual config when starting the game
-novid skip the useless intro that takes few seconds to get you in the menu
-threads 4 sets the amount of processor threads that CS:GO will use while running
-high force the users system into running CS:GO on high priority, this means that running CS:GO will take priority over other system processes
-noforcemaccel disables mouse acceleration
-tickrate 128 sets any offline server that a user runs at tickrate 128
-nojoy disables the joystick support and free up some resources like less load on the RAM
-forcenovsync disables the VSync function for CS:GO which is known to cause problems like limiting the FPS

How it works

CS:GO automatically executes config.cfg on startup.

All the settings you change in the game's UI will be written to config.cfg.

As we do not want the config.cfg to be overwritten from any ingame settings, the file is read-only.

Therefore, if you want to change any settings, do not change them ingame but rather put them in the config files provided.

config.cfg executes autoexec.cfg, which then executes all the other configs.

Mouse settings

  • 1000 dpi
  • 6/11 windows
  • in game sensitivity : 1
  • usb refreshrate 1000hz

Usefull links

https://totalcsgo.com/binds/keys https://totalcsgo.com/commands