
Cloudflare D1 equivalent for development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


local-d1 replicates the interface of Cloudflare D1 for use during development, particularly in conjunction with Next.js in RSC and ServerActions.


The conventional alternative, Wrangler, has proven to be error-prone. It triggers a production build of the Next.js project upon even minor changes, making it impractical for development due to its slow performance. It often leads to random process exits, internal halts, and frequent 404 errors.


npm install local-d1 @cloudflare/workers-types --save-dev


  1. Set up your D1 binding.
  2. Create a utility function to return local-d1 database during development and the D1 binding in production.
import { D1Database } from "@cloudflare/workers-types";

export function getDB(): D1Database {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
    const { get, ensureInitialized } = require("local-d1");
    ensureInitialized("./db.sqlite", { verbose: console.log }); // TODO: change db path
    return get() as any;
  return process.env.YOUR_D1_BINDING; // TODO: change your binding name
  1. Use the utility function in RSC or ServerActions.
import { getDB } from "./db";

// export const runtime = 'edge';
// `runtime` value needs to be commented out during development

export default async function Page({ searchParams }: any) {
  const db = getDB();
  const users = await db.prepare("select * from users where role = ?").bind(1).all();

  return (
      {/* Your component rendering logic goes here */}

local-d1 uses better-sqlite3 internally, and the parameters of ensureInitialized are directly forwarded to better-sqlite3.


  • export const runtime = 'edge'; must be commented out during development.