
Yii2 component to integrate unifonic sms gateway.

Primary LanguagePHP


Yii2 component to integrate unifonic sms gateway. This component is to enable the yii2 PHP developer to integrate his/her php project with UNIFONIC APIs to take advantages of all features we offer like send SMS , voice call and get reports

How to use the SDK :


A- Edit the config file as below :

return array(

'AppSid' => [Your Rest AppSid],

'ApiURL' => 'http://api.unifonic.com/rest/',);
B- Add These Lines to your PHP file:

use \common\components\Unifonic\API\Client;

$client = new Client();


Text Massages: Examples :

$response = $client->Messages->Send(966505050505,'Hello','UNIFONIC'); // send regular massage

$response = $client->Messages  >SendBulkMessages('966505050505,966555655555','Hello','UNIFONIC');  // send bulk massages
Handling Exceptions :

For errors and http status you may refer to the following link : http://docs.unifonic.apiary.io/