
Marketplace for buying and selling art

Primary LanguagePython


Sothebys is a marketplace for art.


  • Buyer- first name, last name, email, password, phone, shipping
  • Seller- first name, last name, email, password, phone, description, logo
  • Artist- name, image, nationality, description, date of birth, date of death
  • Paintings- title, image, description, medium, price, artist (Foreign Key)
  • Order- timestamp, item (Foreign Key- painting), buyer (Foreign Key), seller (Foreign Key)
  • Review- text, order_id (Foreign Key- order)


We currently have the APIs listed below for Buyers, Sellers, Artists and Paintings.

Buyer API's

/api/v1/buyers/ GET Get all Buyers NA
/api/v1/buyers/id/ GET Get the buyer with specified id NA
/api/v1/buyers/id/ POST Update a Buyer Post data as form data (key, value pairs) with only the keys that you want to update

Seller API's

/api/v1/sellers/ GET Get all Sellers NA
/api/v1/sellers/id/ GET Get the seller with specified id NA
/api/v1/sellers/id/ POST Update a Seller Post data as form data (key, value pairs) with only the keys that you want to update

Painting API's

api/v1/paintings/ GET Get all Paintings NA
api/v1/paintings/int:id/ GET Get the painting with specified id NA
api/v1/paintings/create/ POST Create a painting Post data as form data (key, value pairs) with all the fields in Painting Model
api/v1/paintings/int:id/update/ POST Update the painting with specified id Post data as form data (key, value pairs) with only the keys that you want to update
api/v1/paintings/int:id/delete/ POST Delete a painting by id

Artist API's

api/v1/artists/ GET Get all Artists NA
api/v1/artists/int:id/ GET Get the artist with specified id NA
api/v1/artists/create/ POST Create an artist Post data as form data (key, value pairs) with all the fields in Artist Model
api/v1/artists/int:id/update/ POST Update the artist with specified id Post data as form data (key, value pairs) with only the keys that you want to update
api/v1/artists/int:id/delete/ POST Delete an artist by id

Starting the Django App and the MySQL DB Container

To start the service, type the following command in the root directory of the project.

$ docker-compose up

User Stories

  • As a prospective buyer I want to be able to learn more about a painting I like.

  • As a prospective buyer I want to see all the paintings of the artist whose painting/work I'm interested in.

  • As a user I want to be able to view the most recently added works.

  • As a seller I want to specify and display the price of my products.

  • As a user I want to have the information about the marketplace available to me so that I know where I am shopping.

  • As a buyer I want to be able to read more about the artist of a work I'm interested in so that I can better understand the work.

  • As a user I want to be able to be able to register an account on the website

  • As a user I want to be able to log in to Sothebeys

  • As a seller I want to be able to create new listings for my products on the website