
Download your favourite Songs or Playlist to mp3 or mp4 audio without any ads. Simply paste the URL and Bingo!

Primary LanguagePython

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🎬 YT Video 2 Audio Converter

What is it for?

This Streamlit based Web app lets you convert any You Tube video/song and Playlist into mp4 and mp3 audio.

What do I need to make it work?

Python 3.9 and Install below pypi package

pip install streamlit
pip install pytube
pip install moviepy
pip install py7zr

Or Simply run pip install -r requirements.txt

How does it work?

Web app is developed using Streamlit. Conversion of youtube video/Playlist to mp4 and mp3 audio is done using pytube and moviepy. Py7zr is used to compile and compress files for user to download it. In case of a single file, user can directly download converted mp3 and mp4 files. In case of multiple files a 7zip file can be downloaded which will contain all the file to be downloaded.

Find the demo below!!!!
