OMDB Search App


  1. This application is developed on top of node version 12. Since it is an outdated version, I have added .nvmrc config file. If you have nvm in your system, you can run nvm install command to install the relevant node version.
  2. Rename .env.sample file as .env.local and replace {OMDB_API_KEY_GOES_HERE} with you OMDB Api key.
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies.

How to run the application

  1. Run npm run build command to build the application.
  2. Once it is complete, run npm run start to run the application. Visit http://localhost:3000

If you want to run the development server, you can |use npm run dev command.


I have used Storybook to create and organize all the UI components.

To run storybook, build that by running npm run build-storybook and opening the index.html file in the web browser.

How to run unit-tests and test coverage

To run unit tests, run npm run test command. And if you want to check on test coverage, you can run npm run test:coverage

Tools and Frameworks

  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • Emotion - CSS in JS with Theme support
  • Jest with testing library
  • Storybook
  • Eslint with airbnb configuration
  • Prettier

Knowing issue

According to the design, we have a year range selector. However, OMDB API doesn't support that. So I used only the lowest year in the range for the API.