
Python library for controlling XAir devices

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python library for interacting with Behringer XAir devices.


Detect XAir Devices

xinfo = await pyxair.auto_detect()

Create an XAir Client

XAir is a client that subscribes to events from an XAir device and caches the messages.

xair = pyxair.XAir(xinfo)

Get & Put

Here's an example using the get coroutine to retrieve the status. This is achieved by sending an OSC message to the /status address:

await xair.get("/status")


OscMessage(address='/status', arguments=['active', '', 'XR18-5E-91-5A'])

This is am example using the get coroutine to retrieve the main L/R mix:

await xair.get("/lr/mix/on")


OscMessage(address='/lr/mix/on', arguments=[0])

We can use the put coroutine to apply changes to the XAir device. In this example, we unmute the main L/R channel:

await xair.put("/lr/mix/on", [1])

If we now send a get request to the main L/R mix, we see that it is unmuted:

await xair.get("/lr/mix/on")


OscMessage(address='/lr/mix/on', arguments=[1])

Monitoring Updates

In this example, the XAir _cache attribute currently looks like this:

    '/status': OscMessage(address='/status', arguments=['active', '', 'XR18-5E-91-5A']),
    '/lr/mix/on': OscMessage(address='/lr/mix/on', arguments=[0])

If you unmute the main L/R channel using X-AIR-Edit, or some other client, and then observe the _cache attribute again, it will look like this:

    '/status': OscMessage(address='/status', arguments=['active', '', 'XR18-5E-91-5A']),
    '/lr/mix/on': OscMessage(address='/lr/mix/on', arguments=[1])

Using get on an OSC address not in the cache will fetch the value from the XAir device and update the cache:

await xair.get('/lr/mix/fader')

Now, the _cache will look like this:

    '/status': OscMessage(address='/status', arguments=['active', '', 'XR18-5E-91-5A']),
    '/lr/mix/on': OscMessage(address='/lr/mix/on', arguments=[1]),
    '/lr/mix/fader': OscMessage(address='/lr/mix/fader', arguments=[0.5747800469398499])

Subscribing to Updates

Use the subscribe method to get published messages:

with xair.subscribe() as queue:
    while True:
        message = await queue.get()
        print(f"Got a new OSC message: {message}")

Subscribing to Meters

Enable a meter on an XAir instance, and then meter updates will be published to the same subscription queue as described in the previous section:
