
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repo is for the system-baseline backend service. Its main job is to create, store, retrieve and delete system baselines.

what is a system baseline?

A system baseline is simply a set of facts. It is an array of hashes. Each hash is of the format {"name": <fact name>, "value": <fact value>}. Each baseline has a UUID identifier as well as additional metdata. A full example looks like this:

    "account": "123456",
    "baseline_facts": [
            "name": "arch",
            "value": "x86_64"
            "name": "phony.arch.fact",
            "value": "some value"
    "created": "2019-06-25T03:13:20.960512Z",
    "display_name": "arch baseline",
    "fact_count": 2,
    "id": "e61b732a-1557-4cfc-a59f-43b1b394b7f7",
    "updated": "2019-06-25T03:13:20.960518Z"

how are baselines stored?

Each baseline is stored in a postgres database. There should never be a reason to access the database directly; please access it via the service.

The baselines are stored in a table with the following schema:

                        Table "public.system_baselines"
     Column     |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default
 id             | uuid                        |           | not null |
 account        | character varying(10)       |           |          |
 display_name   | character varying(200)      |           |          |
 created_on     | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 modified_on    | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 baseline_facts | jsonb                       |           |          |
 fact_count     | integer                     |           |          |
    "system_baselines_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

Note that all of the facts are stored as a single json blob. Normalizing this data would cause more harm than good.

who uses this service?

This service is used by drift-frontend. This frontend app calls both drift and system-baseline service.

how do I use the service?

You can list all of your baselines with GET a call to /v1/baselines. This will show your baselines but will not show their facts. You can then pull up an individual baseline with a GET call to /v1/baselines/<UUID>. A DELETE call will delete the baseline. POSTing to /v1/baselines will create a new baseline. The POST data to create two baselines at once looks like this:

        "baseline_facts": [
                "name": "arch",
                "value": "x86_64"
                "name": "phony.arch.fact",
                "value": "some value"
        "display_name": "arch baseline"
        "baseline_facts": [
                "name": "memory",
                "value": "64GB"
                "name": "cpu_sockets",
                "value": "16"
        "display_name": "cpu + mem baseline"

This call will return two new baseline UUIDs.

You can also use PATCH calls to a UUID with data like so:

        "baseline_facts": [
                "name": "archarch",
                "value": "x86_64x86_64"
                "name": "phony.arch.fact.2",
                "value": "some value2"
                "name": "phony.arch.fact.3",
                "value": "some value3"

contributing to this repo

development requirements

  • psql - postgresql client (sudo dnf install postgresql on Fedora)

Please ensure the following when making PRs:

fix: patch title

summary of fix

db changes and migration

The db schema is defined by the objects defined in models.py. When a change is made to these model objects, a database migration needs to be created. This migration will be applied automatically when an updated image is spun up in a pod. The steps to create the database migration are below:

  • make changes to model objects in models.py
  • in the system-baseline-backend source directory, run poetry shell
  • spin up the dev database with docker-compose -f dev.yml up -d
  • run flask to upgrade the dev database to its current state with the command FLASK_APP=system_baseline.app:get_flask_app_with_migration flask db upgrade
  • now run flask to create migration with the command FLASK_APP=system_baseline.app:get_flask_app_with_migration flask db migrate -m "migration message"
  • be sure to include the newly created migration file in migrations/versions/ in your pull request

To run locally with Clowder

We are using the structure used in Clowder to run our app locally. So we created a file called local_cdappcofig.json and a script run_app_locally to automate the spin up process.

To run follow below process:

  1. Make sure you have Ephemeral Envinroment running (https://github.com/RedHatInsights/drift-dev-setup#run-with-clowder)
  2. Add a file with the following name and content to the app folder (this is needed just once). File name: local_cdappconfig.json
  3. Content to be added into local_cdappconfig.json:
  "database": {
    "adminPassword": "password",
    "adminUsername": "admUsername",
    "hostname": "localhost",
    "name": "system-baseline",
    "password": "password",
    "port": 5433,
    "sslMode": "disable",
    "username": "username"
  "endpoints": [
      "app": "system-baseline",
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "name": "backend-service",
      "port": 8083
      "app": "host-inventory",
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "name": "service",
      "port": 8082
      "app": "rbac",
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "name": "service",
      "port": 8086
      "app": "historical-system-profiles",
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "name": "backend-service",
      "port": 8003
  "kafka": {
    "brokers": [
        "hostname": "localhost",
        "port": 9092
    "topics": [
        "name": "platform.notifications.ingress",
        "requestedName": "platform.notifications.ingress"
        "name": "platform.payload-status",
        "requestedName": "platform.payload-status"
  "featureFlags": {
    "hostname": "non-use-for-now",
    "port": 4242,
    "scheme": "http"
  "logging": {
    "cloudwatch": {
      "accessKeyId": "",
      "logGroup": "",
      "region": "",
      "secretAccessKey": ""
    "type": "null"
  1. Run virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Run below command
sh run_app_locally.sh

To build image and deploy to personal repository in quay:

  1. Run below command passing your quay username. In the example jramos.
sh ephemeral_build_image.sh jramos

To run SonarQube:

  1. Make sure that you have SonarQube scanner installed.
  2. Duplicate the sonar-scanner.properties.sample config file.
  cp sonar-scanner.properties.sample sonar-scanner.properties
  1. Update sonar.host.url, sonar.login in sonar-scanner.properties.
  2. Run the following command
java -jar /path/to/sonar-scanner-cli- -D project.settings=sonar-scanner.properties
  1. Review the results in your SonarQube web instance.