
Add a drive to proxmox


  • Find new drive for below ### ======= In this repo you can run Terraform to create k8s cluster that has 1 master and 3 workers. Ansible playbook to automate the creation of the kubernetes cluster. And finally a collection of yamls/helm values that I used to create applications (pihole, metalLB, nginx-ingress, pv, pvcs, storageclasses, etc. ) and configurations on my cluster.

Add a drive to proxmox

Find new drive for below ###

parted /dev/### mklabel gpt
parted -a opt /dev/### mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%
mkfs.ext4 -L storageprox /dev/###1
mkdir -p /mnt/data
vim /etc/fstab
Add this:    LABEL=NAME_IT /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 2
mount -a
Now in the Proxmox GUI go to Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> Directory.
Add directory path, and choose the content, this will set what goes to the drives. 

Steps to create k8d homelab on proxmox

1) Create VM template, and set the correct name in tf-vars
2) Init terraofrm & apply: terraform apply -var-file="vars.tfvars"
3) Once that is done update hostnames and hosts file on server
4) Create proper inventory file for ansible
5) Run k8s cluster using k8s-init
Add worker: ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory/hosts -e VAULT_ubuntu_user='' main.yaml --ask-become-pass

Join node to control plane

Run below on master

kubeadm token create --certificate-key kubeadm token create --print-join-command --certificate-key

Get the output and run that on the new master.